PSE in Indonesia – What to Know

PSE in Indonesia – In order to regulate and keep online-based businesses in check, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics (Kominfo) introduced the PSE certification, which stands for Penyelenggara Sistem Elektronik. The certification process itself has been implemented since 2015. However, it caused a controversy in 2022 when several high profile businesses were blocked temporarily because they hadn’t obtained or renewed their PSE in Indonesia. 

That case taught us that having a PSE certificate is crucially important for online businesses in Indonesia, and the failure to comply may lead to the stoppage of your operations. As a result, it is important to know what PSE is and how you can obtain it. 

Types of PSE in Indonesia

According to the Government Law of 2019 Number 71, there are several types of PSE:

  1. Public PSE

Public PSE certification is given to electronic systems provided by institutions organized by the country, such as public health services (BPJS). Usually, these governmental electronic systems have as their web domains. 

  1. Private PSE

Private PSE certification is for non government electronic systems, such as WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

After understanding the different types of of PSE, it is also important to understand that PSE certification is mandatory for:

  1. Companies that sell products and offer services to the public though applications or websites.
  2. Companies that conduct online transactions.
  3. Companies that manage fund deposits.
  4. Companies that manage financial translation data.
  5. Companies that send digital goods to their customers

Requirements of PSE in Indonesia

  1. Registration form in the website, along with the following details
  • Business ID Number and Business License
  • Letter of Domicile
  • Identity of the Person in Charge (PiC)
  • Individual or Company Tax ID Number
  • Profile of Electronic System Provider
  • Detailed Technical Brief of the Electronic System
  • Web domain of the Electronic System and security certificate
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Registration Procedures of PSE

  1. Account Registration

Before obtaining a PSE certificate, you must first register an account at the Kominfo website, filling information such as your personal and company identity and technicalities of your electrical system. 

  1. Documents Verification

The authorities at Kominfo will verify the documents after the submission. 

  1. Issuance of PSE Certificate

After your documents are verified successfully, you will obtain a registration number which will be used to keep track of your registration process. When everything is finalized, you will obtain the PSE certificate.

How can Double M help?

Obtaining a PSE certificate is an intricate and thorough process. We will be helping you through the procedures. Should you have any inquiries, please contact us.