Product Registration

According to the regulation, Product registration in Indonesia is an obligation for companies that want to distribute their products legally. It is also important for the company to register the products in order to gain market trust.

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Before being distributed in the local market, all food and beverage products must be registered according to the regulation and passed through a certification conducted by the Indonesian National Agency for Drug and Food Control (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, or BPOM). If the product passes the certification process, BPOM will issue the permit or known as izin edar BPOM MD.

Before distributing cosmetic and beauty products in Indonesia, you must register the products for the BPOM Distribution License. To ensure a succesfull cosmetic registration process, you have to meet quality, safety, labeling, and claim requirements. The applicant must also provide several supporting documents such as a business license, API-U (import identification number), and responsible technical person. Cosmetic registration in Indonesia takes approximately 1.5 – 2 months. However, it can be affected by several factors.

Fertilizer is any material of synthetic or natural origin that is used as plant nutrients. The usage of fertilizers could maintain and improve the quality of crops. As such, this type of product is heavily in demand in agriculture-focused countries. Registering your fertilizer products in Indonesia gives you legal security to market your products.

Entrepreneurs wishing to trade medical devices in Indonesia must prove that they are in possession of several licenses before going through the medical device registration in Indonesia with the Ministry of Health. Keep in mind that Foreign companies cannot distribute medical products in Indonesia unless they establish a limited company with direct foreign investment (PT PMA) or find a local distributor.

Registering your trademark provides more legal protection to the brand or business and would give you exclusive rights to use the mark. By registering a trademark in Indonesia, you gain exclusive rights to your business logos, symbols, and branding. The validity term of trademarks in Indonesia constitutes 10 years from the filing date. Registration may be renewed for consecutive ten-year periods an unlimited number of times.

The SNI license in Indonesia, or Standar Nasional Indonesia is a certification proving that the company’s products and services are meeting the minimum regulatory level of quality. SNI is the only standard that is applied to products and services nationally in Indonesia and is used to determine the conformity of the standard quality of a product. The most crucial part of the process of acquiring an SNI license is the certification. Depending on the type of the product, there are several schemes for issuing the license.

The Indonesian Government issued Regulation No. 33 dated 17 October 2014, also known as the Halal Law 2014, concerning the Halal Products Guarantee. Halal certificates in Indonesia acts as a declaration to prove that the products follow the islamic Sharia law. A company has to provide a written application and several supporting documents in order to obtain a halal certificate which will be valid for four years.

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