The Latest Facility Inspection for Food Product Registration (SMKPO BPOM)

Food Product Registration in Indonesia – In Indonesia, one of the most regulated sectors is the food and beverage industry. This provides a sense of security and assurance to consumers. To get a permit, you have to go through various government bodies. This need is to be able to distribute and sell kinds of processed food products to the Indonesian market.

However, when you decide to register and sell a product, you must first meet the requirements and have your facility inspected and certified by BPOM ( National Food, and Drug Agency ). This facility inspection and certification is called an SMKPO Certificate. Thus, what is the application process? Are there any changes to the rules? Let’s see the review.

Objectives of SMKPO Certification

1. Product Control

These to maintain the quality of food and beverage products consumed by the public remain safe and of good quality.

2. Regulation and Standardization

Based on BPOM Decree No. 21 of 2021, define that importers and distributors have to regulations and standardization related to Processed food safety management.

3. Post-Marketing Prevention

The form of maintenance and monitoring of product safety that has been circulated to the market or the public must go through a process, including sampling, laboratory testing, an inspection of production and distribution facilities, nor the process of investigation and law enforcement.

How is the SMKPO Application Process?

Based on the latest regulations, BPOM Decree No. 21 of 2021 explains that the SMKPO is a renewal of BPOM (Under Province Government Bodies) recommendations based on inspection results, but currently become SMKPO that kind of proactive control. All processes are carried out independently by the importer or distributor to obtain the SMKPO certificate. Here are some steps that you can do, check in full.

1. Business Actors

The first stage is the importer or distributor registers the company in advance for the SMKPO registration process.

2. Account Registration

The continuous process is registering an account to continue the SMKPO process related to the business field you want to register.

3. Enter the System and input data

The user account is already active and can directly carry out the data input process, at this stage all the required requirements must be complete.

4. Check Documents

All documents that have been put in should be fully reviewed that there are no errors.

5. Payment Process

If the data input and completeness of the documents are complete, the next step is only to process the payment.

6. Issuance of Certificates

The SMPKO certificate will be issued and will be valid for 5 years.

Difference between New and Previous Facility Inspection Process

Based on the latest regulation from BPOM Decree No. 21 of 2021, it was explained that there were several changes related to the facility inspection process. Previously, the application for inspection facilities had to go through several manual provisions, one of which was the Facility and Building Inspection (PSB). However, the latest regulations explain that all processes are carried out online and self-assessment per semester. In addition, regarding the inspection process, the BPOM will only go to the field if needed, for example, lack of documents, etc.

Here are some differences between the previous and the latest regulations, check below:

NOPrevious  Regulation New Regulation
1Manual PSBOnline SMKPO (Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan Olahan)
2PSB Recommendation Letter Valid for 5 YearsSMKPO Certificate valid for 5 years
3PSB is a Requirement for Product Registration to e-reg BPOMPSB is a requirement for Product Registration to e-reg BPOM
4PSB has no logoSMKPO has a logo that allows appearing on Label Design/Packaging
5PSB Registration has On-Site Inspection by BPOM and is mandatorySMKPO registration has on-site Inspection by BPOM if needed only
6PSB is a Registration is Under BPOMSMKPO registration is under BPOM
7The applicant must  Bring Hard Copy Document Registration to BPOM DirectlyThe applicant submitted the Registration document to
8PSB needs to Renewal 6 Months Prior PSB Validity Period EndsSMKPO needs to renewal 6 months prior PSB validity period ends
9There is no Self-assessment/internal auditApplicants are required to conduct an internal audit or self-assessment of food distribution facilities every 6 months
10There is No Semester Report to BPOMThe applicant must submit the self-assessment report to BPOM by

How can Double M help?

Double M is providing market entry solution services in South-East Asia including BPOM Registration. Should you have any inquiries, please contact us at