Company Liquidation in Indonesia

When establishing a company, the ultimate aim is for it to be successful. However, the dynamic nature of the business world means success is not always guaranteed. When a company underperforms and fails to reach its target, liquidation often becomes the most probable scenario. At Double M, we offer to assist you with company liquidation in Indonesia swiftly, allowing you to focus on future plans to get back in business.

Conditions of Company Liquidation in Indonesia

The company filed for bankruptcy and no longer has assets.

The company breaks Indonesian laws/regulations.

The company has not been active for a certain amount of years.

The company’s license has been revoked.

Company Liquidation Procedure in Indonesia

In Indonesia, a company liquidation process must be appointed by a liquidator. This role can be filled by a legal consultant or the company’s own Board of Directors (BoD). In this particular context, should you choose to be our client, Double M can act both as liquidator and legal consultant for your company.

According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 40 of 2007 on Limited-Liability Companies, the procedures of company liquidation are: approval from Ministry of Law and Human Rights, issuance of Article of Dissolution by Public Notary, revocation of Business ID number and Business License, revocation of Tax ID Number, and Tax Certificate Registration, revocation of VAT, and final announcement of company liquidation.

How can Double M Help?

Company liquidation has intricate procedures. Double M strives to assist our clients conduct the process with our expertise. Should you have any inquiries, please contact us.

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