Manfaat Payroll Outsourcing

Manfaat Payroll Outsourcing – Payroll merupakan salah satu kegiatan administrasi yang penting dalam perusahaan. Kegiatan ini rutin dilakukan namun memakan waktu dan rumit. Penggajian tidak hanya tentang memberikan kompensasi kepada karyawan, tetapi juga terkait dengan berbagai aturan seperti perhitungan pajak, lembur dan pembayaran jaminan sosial. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sistem dan manajemen penggajian yang baik dan benar.

Untuk memiliki sistem penggajian yang baik dan untuk memastikan penggajian akurat, perusahaan biasanya memiliki departemen khusus dan mempekerjakan karyawan yang berpengalaman dan terampil dalam hal ini. Namun, ini akan membutuhkan sumber daya dan biaya yang besar.

Sebagai alternatif, perusahaan dapat menggunakan layanan outsourcing penggajian. Outsourcing penggajian berarti menggunakan organisasi pihak ketiga untuk menangani sebagian atau seluruh administrasi penggajian. Ada beberapa manfaat outsourcing penggajian, antara lain:

1. Hemat biaya, Manfaat Payroll Outsourcing yang pertama

Outsourcing penggajian juga dapat menghemat pengeluaran perusahaan bahkan membantu meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan. Dengan menggunakan jasa payroll outsourcing, perusahaan tidak perlu merekrut dan melatih karyawan untuk urusan penggajian, tidak perlu membayar gaji dan pajak untuk karyawan tersebut, dan tidak perlu membeli alat yang diperlukan seperti software akuntansi yang mahal.

2. Perusahaan dapat fokus pada kegiatan inti

Pekerjaan penggajian bukanlah bisnis inti dalam sebuah perusahaan produksi tetapi perannya sangat penting bagi keberlangsungan perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, menggunakan layanan payroll outsourcing akan membantu banyak perusahaan untuk lebih fokus pada kegiatan inti mereka, seperti meningkatkan produktivitas, penjualan, dan memperluas bisnis.

3. Hindari kesalahan dan pastikan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan

Kesalahan dan kesalahan dalam menghitung penggajian dapat mengakibatkan denda oleh departemen pajak atau otoritas terkait lainnya karena perhitungan pajak dan jaminan sosial yang tidak akurat. Melalui payroll outsourcing, perusahaan menyerahkan proses kerja payroll kepada tim profesional yang berpengalaman. Para profesional ini lebih mengenal rumitnya hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan penggajian seperti pajak dan jaminan sosial. Tidak hanya itu mereka biasanya mengetahui dengan baik tentang perubahan peraturan. Oleh karena itu mereka jauh lebih kecil kemungkinannya untuk membuat kesalahan saat menghitung dan melaporkan penggajian daripada staf internal.

Baik untuk perusahaan yang baru berdiri dengan anggaran terbatas, atau perusahaan berpengalaman yang hanya ingin fokus pada kegiatan intinya, outsourcing payroll adalah salah satu alternatif untuk memastikan administrasi penggajian yang baik dan akurat.

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DOUBLE M menyediakan layanan solusi masuk pasar di Asia Tenggara termasuk Payroll Outsourcing. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan hubungi kami di

Indonesia catat Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Tertinggi dalam 17 Tahun

Indonesia catat Pertumbuhan Ekonomi 7,07% pertahun pada triwulan II 2021. Angka ini merupakan pertumbuhan tertinggi sejak triwulan IV 2004. Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat semua sektor usaha mengalami pertumbuhan positif. Pertumbuhan tertinggi dicatat oleh sektor pengangkutan dan pergudangan yang tumbuh sebesar 25,10% tahun ke tahun. Sektor ini sebelumnya merupakan sektor yang mengalami kontraksi terdalam pada tahun 2020, terutama pada triwulan II tahun 2020 sebesar -30,84% tahun ke tahun Sektor lain yang juga mencatat pertumbuhan luar biasa adalah sektor akomodasi makanan dan minuman sebesar 21,58% tahun ke tahun. Seperti halnya transportasi dan pergudangan, sektor ini mengalami kontraksi yang cukup dalam sebesar 22,02% pada triwulan II-2020.

Pada komponen pengeluaran, ekspor barang dan jasa tumbuh sebesar 31,78% tahun ke tahun. Komponen ini diikuti oleh impor barang dan jasa yang juga tumbuh sebesar 31,22% tahun ke tahun. Sedangkan untuk konsumsi rumah tangga, komponen ini hanya tumbuh moderat sebesar 1,72%. Peningkatan ini menunjukkan bahwa perekonomian Indonesia membaik setelah mengalami resesi akibat pandemi pada tahun 2020. Sebelumnya pada tahun 2020, perekonomian Indonesia mengalami kontraksi sebesar 2,07%. Kontraksi terdalam terjadi pada triwulan II-2020 yaitu sebesar 5,32%.

Proyeksi untuk tahun 2021

Indonesia Tercatat Ekonomi Tertinggi – Perekonomian Indonesia diproyeksikan akan bangkit kembali dari kontraksi pada 2020. Bank Dunia pada Juni memproyeksikan pertumbuhan ekonomi akan mencapai 4,4%. Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) pada Juli memproyeksikan pertumbuhan pada 2021 menjadi 3,9%. Pemberlakuan Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) sejak 3 Juli diperkirakan akan memperlambat kinerja ekonomi pada triwulan III tahun 2021. 

Informasi lebih lanjut tentang PPKM klik di sini

Penelitian Masyarakat (LPEM) Universitas Indonesia (UI) Teuku Riefky memperkirakan pertumbuhan kuartal III hanya berkisar 2-3% tahun ke tahun. Sementara itu, pemerintah Indonesia telah menyiapkan beberapa langkah untuk mendorong dan mempercepat pemulihan ekonomi. Pemerintah terus mempercepat program vaksinasi, dimana per 8 Agustus 2021 penerima vaksin pertama sudah mencapai 50 juta orang.

Bagaimana Double M dapat membantu ?

DOUBLE M menyediakan layanan solusi masuk pasar di Asia Tenggara. Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan hubungi kami di

Benefits of Payroll Outsourcing in Indonesia

Benefits of Payroll Outsourcing in Indonesia – Payroll processing is one of the important administrative activities in the company. This activity is routinely carried out but it is time consuming and complicated. Payroll is not only about providing compensation to employees, but also related to various rules such as tax calculation, overtime and social security payments. Therefore, a proper and correct payroll system and management is needed.

To have a good payroll system and to make sure the payroll is accurate, companies usually have a specialized department and hire experienced and skilled employee in this regard. However, this will require large resources and costs.

Alternatively, companies can used payroll outsourcing services. Payroll outsourcing means to use third party organization to handle some or all of payroll administration. There are several benefits of payroll outsourcing, including:

1. Save cost

Payroll outsourcing in Indonesia can also save the company’s expenses and even help increase the company’s productivity. By using payroll outsourcing services, the company does not need to hire and train employees for payroll matters, there is no need to pay salaries and taxes for these employees, and there is no need to buy necessary tools such as an expensive accounting software.

2. Companies can focus on their core activities

Payroll work is not a core business in a production company but its role is very important for the sustainability of the company. Therefore, using payroll outsourcing services will help many companies to focus more on their core activities, such as increasing productivity, sales and expanding business.

3. Avoid any mistakes and ensure regulatory compliance

Errors and mistakes in calculating the payroll may result to fine by the tax department or any other relevant authorities due to inaccurate calculation of taxes and social security. Through payroll outsourcing, the company submits the payroll work process to a team of experienced professionals. These professionals are more familiar with the complexity of the matters related to payroll such as taxes and social security. Not only that they are usually well informed with the changes of the regulations. Because of that they are far less likely to make any mistakes when calculating and reporting the payroll than the in-house staff.  

Whether it is for newly established with limited budget, or seasoned company which want to focus only on its core activities, payroll outsourcing is one alternative to ensure a good and accurate payroll administration.

How can Double M help ?

DOUBLE M is providing market entry solution services in South East Asia including Payroll Outsourcing. Should you have any inquiry, please contact us at

Indonesia Recorded Highest Economic Growth in 17 Years

Indonesia Recorded Highest Economic growth up to 7,07% in the second quarter of 2021. This is the highest growth since the fourth quarter of 2004. Indonesia Central Statistics Bureau (BPS) noted that all business sectors experienced positive growth. The highest growth is recorded by the transportation and warehousing sector which grew by 25,10% year on year. This sector previously was the one which suffer the deepest contraction in 2020, notably in the second quarter of 2020 with -30,84% year on year. Another sector that also recorded the extra ordinary growth is the food and beverage accommodation sector with 21,58% year on year. Just like transportation and warehousing, this sector experienced a deep contraction of 22,02% in the second quarter of 2020.

On the expenditure component, the export of goods and services grew by 31,78% year on year. This component was followed by imports of goods and services which also grew by 31,22% year on year. As for the household consumption, this component only recorded modest growth of 1,72%. This increase shows that the economy of Indonesia is improving after experienced pandemic induced recession in 2020. Previously in 2020, the Indonesian economy contracted by 2,07%. The deepest contraction occurred in the second quarter of 2020, which was 5,32%.

Projection for 2021

Indonesia Recorded Highest Economic – The Indonesian economy is projected to bounce back from the contraction in 2020. The World Bank in June projected the economic growth will reach 4,4%. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in July projected the growth in 2021 to be 3,9%. The implementation of the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) since July 3 is expected to slow the economic performance in the third quarter of 2021. Economist from Economic.

More information about PPKM click here

Community Research (LPEM) University of Indonesia (UI) Teuku Riefky estimates that growth in the third quarter will only be around 2-3% year on year. In the meantime, the government of Indonesia has prepared some measures to stimulate and accelerate the economic recovery. The government continues to accelerate the vaccination program, where as of August 8, 2021, the first vaccine recipients have reached 50 million people.

How can Double M help you?

DOUBLE M providing market entry solution services in South East Asia. Should you have any inquiry, please contact us at

Requirement of Paid-Up Capital for Foreign Companies in Indonesia

The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal/BKPM) has released a new regulation requirement of Paid-Up Capital for Foreign Companies in Indonesia and will take effect starting on August 2021. The Regulation, stipulates the latest guidelines and processes on the Service of Risk-Based Investment Licensing and Investment Facility.

The highlighted point for this newly regulated rule is the requirement of Paid-Up Capital for Foreign-Investment Company / PT PMA. Previously, as stipulated in Company Law of Indonesia, the minimum requirement of Paid-Up Capital is 25% of the Authorized Capital (minimum of IDR 10 billion).

Whereas starting from August 2021, the national license-issuing platform, Online Single Submission – OSS, is in transition process based on the regulations of risk-based investment license issuance. And this affects the mind of foreign business owners in Indonesia. Below is the summed up changes of this newly enforced Perka BKPM No. 4 / 2021 :

1. Investment Value (commitment to invest)

Common misconception for business owners is that the Investment Value equals to the Capital. This is to simply clarify that; Investment Value is the commitment of a foreign limited liability company for each of their selected business activities. As we know, Indonesia recognized Business Classification Code / KBLI to determine which is the most suitable license for investors.  One KBLI will consist of 5 digits of numbers. Each type of business might have different classification code. So, the investment value will only be incurred upon the business classification code(s) and does not bind the Shareholders of the company to directly inject shares in the same amount of Investment Value. This investment value shall be fulfilled during the time the company is running its business.

The general rule is to commit Investment Value in the amount of IDR 10 Billion per 5 digits business classification code / KBLI. However several sectors might apply different rules : 

TradingIDR 10 billion per the first 4 digits of KBLI
Food & beverageIDR 10 billion per the first 2 digits of KBLI
ConstructionIDR 10 billion per the first 4 digits of KBLI
IndustryIDR 10 billion per 5 digits of KBLI
PropertyIDR 10 billion including land & building for one building / residential
IDR 10 billion excluding land & building for several buildings /
integrated residential cluster

2. Enforced rule on Paid-Up Capital

Paid-Up Capital for Foreign Owned Company is now changed to ≥ IDR 10 Billion. But, this regulation only applies for :

  • a company not yet established / established after the enforcement of this regulation
  • an established company with paid-up capital less than 10 Billion IDR, but has yet to issue NIB (company registration number) and Operational License
  • an established company with paid-up capital less than 10 Billion IDR, has issued NIB and has not yet issued/secured an Operational License
  • an established company with paid-up capital less than 10 Billion IDR, has issued NIB and has issued Operational License but has ineffective status
  • an established company with paid-up capital less than 10 Billion IDR and wanting to change, add, remove or modify its business classification code.

If the recognized company is already established with NIB and effective Operational License, the minimum of Paid-Up Capital is not required to be adjusted. Should your Company has an issue regarding this newly regulated law by the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board, or you wish to establish a business in Indonesia, you may reach our expert to assist you on the process.

How can Double M help you?

DOUBLE M providing market entry solution services in South East Asia. Should you have any inquiry, please contact us at